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Monday, January 17, 2011

Introduction to Chinese Medicated Food: Potato Soup

There is an old Chinese saying:
Medicine and food come from the same origin.
That means in the Chinese medicine philosophy, medicine and food are actually the same thing.  There is a subject area in Chinese medicine that studies the use of Chinese medicine in food for medical purposes.

Medicated Chinese dishes are actually quite easy to cook.  Here's an example of potato soup.  The ingredients are:

  • Dang Shen (黨參, English name: Radix Codonopsis)
  • Ginger
  • Potatoes
Peel the potatoes.  Add water and all the ingredients in a pot.  Once the water starts boiling, turn the heat all the way down.  Keeping the soup heated for about 30 minutes.

What is this soup good for?  Dang Shen can refill the air and blood inside a human body.  It is sometimes referred to as the ginseng substitute because it is cheaper.  Potatoes can provide detoxification to the body and prevent constipation.

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