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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chinese Medicated Food: Pan Fried Chicken with Orange Day Lily and Lily

Both Orange Day Lily and Lily can be eaten when cooked.  The ingredients for this dish are:

  • dried Orange Day Lily (金針花)
  • Lily (百合), preferably fresh
  • sliced chicken
Soak the dried Orange Day Lily in hot water for a few minutes.  Keep changing the water until it becomes clear.  Put the Orange Day Lily in a hot pan and fry.  Add the chicken slices and fry them until they are thoroughly cooked.  Add the Lily and once the Lily turns transparent, turn off the heat (this should happen fairly quickly).

What is this dish good for?  Orange Day Lily can refill the blood level in a human body and can make people feel calm. Lily also has the ability to make people feel calm.  This dish is good for people who need to think a lot in their daily routines.

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